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  • Photo of the Beehive government building, framed by trees
    Photo of the Beehive government building, framed by trees

    Public health and Budget 2024

    There will be less money for addressing wider social determinants of health, especially for those who are poor and at the margins of society.
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    Issue date
    31 May 2024
    Shamubeel Eaqub
  • Possible strategic approaches to achieve the NZ Government’s Smokefree 2025 goal

    In this blog post we outline our favoured package to achieve the 2025 Goal which is ongoing increases in tobacco taxes, intensification of existing evidence-based tobacco control activities and implementation of a major new ‘endgame’ strategy (such as denicotinisation).
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    Issue date
    19 November 2014
    Nick Wilson Richard Edwards George Thomson Frederieke S van der Deen Cristina Cleghorn Tony Blakely
  • Optimising the effects of plain packaging for tobacco – making Quitline information more salient

    Given plain packaging of tobacco products will likely increase the tension many smokers experience, simple measures that enhance smokers’ access to cessation support, and affirm their decision to try and quit, could increase the number and success of quit attempts.
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    Issue date
    09 November 2014
    Janet Hoek Philip Gendall
  • Being Bolder – Public Health Endgames for NZ

    At the Public Health Congress in Auckland last week, one of us presented on potential public health endgames – partly to inform thinking around the tobacco endgame in New Zealand (the Smokefree Nation Goal for 2025). This blog considers what additional endgames this country could be bolder about tackling.
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    Issue date
    19 October 2014
    Nick Wilson Frederieke Petrović-van der Deen
  • Daily aspirin for preventing cancer and heart disease – where to from here in NZ?

    A recently published review has quantified the estimated benefits and harms of taking regular aspirin for disease prevention. This blog briefly looks at the issues and considers possible responses by NZ health agencies and research funders.
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    Issue date
    17 September 2014
    Nick Wilson Tony Blakely
  • Will regular tobacco tax increases get NZ to the tobacco endgame?

    In a modelling study we just published in the international journal Tobacco Control, we examined the potential role of increasing tobacco tax for achieving an end to the tobacco epidemic in NZ.
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    Issue date
    02 September 2014
    Nick Wilson Linda Cobiac Tony Blakely
  • The humility of being second to Australia in cancer mortality

    A paper in the NZ Medical Journal shows that New Zealand has higher death rates from cancer than Australia that cannot be explained by higher incidence for most sites. This blog we canvass how bad (or good) the situation really is, the problems and possible sources of error comparing survival across the ditch (it is not easy to do), and we conclude with policy implications.
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    Issue date
    15 August 2014
    Tony Blakely Diana Sarfati
  • Would reducing the number of tobacco retail outlets achieve the Smokefree 2025 goal?

    How can we achieve the 2025 goal of a smokefree nation? The best approach to this tobacco endgame, as it is often called, is unclear. In this blog we consider the option of reducing the number of tobacco retail outlets – leaning on a study we have just published.
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    Issue date
    22 July 2014
    Amber L. Pearson Frederieke Petrović-van der Deen Nick Wilson
  • “Why not just ban it?” Is it time to consider ending tobacco sales?

    This blog considers some arguments for and against a ban on the production (other than tobacco grown for personal use), importation and sale of tobacco products, whilst not criminalising the use of tobacco.
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    Issue date
    01 July 2014
    Richard Edwards
  • We need to talk about breast cancer screening (part 2)

    This is Part 2 of a two-part blog by Dr Caroline Shaw and Associate Professor Diana Sarfati on breast cancer screening. In Part 1 they looked at the contested research around breast cancer screening. In today’s Part 2 they explore the implications for New Zealand.
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    Issue date
    25 June 2014
    Caroline Shaw Diana Sarfati
  • We need to talk about breast cancer screening (part 1)

    This week Dr Caroline Shaw and Associate Professor Diana Sarfati consider the pros and cons of breast cancer screening, in light of the growing controversy (mostly in the northern hemisphere) about the possibility that the benefits of breast cancer screening are (much) less than previously thought due to over-detection and other issues.
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    Issue date
    22 June 2014
    Caroline Shaw Diana Sarfati


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