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  • Lime e scooter
    Lime e scooter

    Lime E-Scooters – Avoiding a collision course with public health?

    In this blog, we consider the public health implications of Lime e-scooters, review how policy makers could maximise the potentially desirable outcomes offered by e-scooters while minimising the harms they pose, and consider wider questions regarding allocation of urban space.
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    Issue date
    10 February 2019
    Janet Hoek George Thomson Nick Wilson Caroline Shaw
  • Flooding, public health – and the need for more emphasis on prevention

    Recent flooding events in New Zealand should make us think about the adverse public health and economic impacts. This blog post considers these issues, and suggests that there may be scope for further preventive action by central and local government.
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    Issue date
    22 June 2015
    Nick Wilson George Thomson Paul Blaschke


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