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  • Photo of the Beehive government building, framed by trees
    Photo of the Beehive government building, framed by trees

    Public health and Budget 2024

    There will be less money for addressing wider social determinants of health, especially for those who are poor and at the margins of society.
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    Issue date
    31 May 2024
    Shamubeel Eaqub
  • cow in mud
    cow in mud

    Geoff Reid

    Note to the Havelock North Inquiry – Think Big

    An Independent Inquiry is now investigating the cause of the water-borne outbreak caused by Campylobacter in Havelock North. This blog challenges the inquiry to investigate 'up-stream', on the scale of water catchments, agricultural economies and climate systems.
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    Issue date
    25 September 2016
    Alistair Woodward Simon Hales
  • Modifying homes to prevent falls is very cost-effective: New NZ study

    A just published modelling study by the BODE3 Team has reported that “home safety assessment and modification” (e.g., adding hand rails and removing tripping hazards in homes) appears to be a very cost-effective health sector intervention. But even more cost-effective was targeting this intervention to older people with previous injurious falls.
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    Issue date
    12 June 2016
    Nick Wilson Giorgi Kvizhinadze Eamonn Deverall Tony Blakely
  • Engaging online simulator of measles outbreaks (& how NZ needs to do better in eliminating measles)

    To help explain the concept of ‘herd immunity’, The Guardian Newspaper has produced a clever online simulator of measles spread. We comment on why this simulator is informative and how it also demonstrates chance effects in the spread of infectious diseases.
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    Issue date
    29 March 2016
    Nick Wilson Osman Mansoor Michael Baker


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