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  • Sheep drinking from river
    Sheep drinking from river

    iStock Heiko119

    The Havelock North drinking water inquiry: A wake-up call to rebuild public health in New Zealand

    The second report of the Havelock North Drinking Water Inquiry describes a long list of failings that contributed to the outbreak. In this blog we argue that the failings are much broader than the safety of drinking water supplies and represent a serious erosion and fragmentation of NZ’s national public health institutions.
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    Issue date
    19 December 2017
    Michael Baker Nick Wilson Alistair Woodward
  • Children standing at the edge of large pool of floodwater post cyclone Gabrielle.
    Children standing at the edge of large pool of floodwater post cyclone Gabrielle.

    Flickr | Sy

    Climate Change and Recent Actions of NZ Political Parties

    The health organisation OraTaiao convened a group of experts to analyse the climate change policies of NZ political party policies. This blog takes a supplementary approach, looking at actual climate related actions taken in the last Parliamentary term (since late 2014).
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    Issue date
    14 September 2017
    Nick Wilson Richard Edwards Cristina Cleghorn Michael Baker Caroline Shaw Ralph Chapman Phillipa Howden-Chapman
  • Ethnic inequalities in mortality in NZ and how to reduce them further

    In a study we just published, we found that whilst there have been declines in all-cause mortality rates, over time, for Māori, Pacific peoples and the European/Other ethnic group, there are still striking mortality gaps that need to be addressed.
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    Issue date
    28 May 2017
    George Disney Andrea Teng June Atkinson Frederieke Sanne van der Deen Nick Wilson Tony Blakely


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