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  • The case for tobacco supply restrictions

    It is now time to reduce the number and density of retail outlets selling tobacco.  Retail supply restrictions are both a logical component of policies that will achieve a tobacco-free New Zealand by 2025, and what the majority of consumers want.
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    Issue date
    05 September 2013
    Janet Hoek
  • “100% Pure” – Public Health Goal Setting

    The “100% Pure” marketing of NZ has been in the news. This blog suggests there is a case for striving to achieve the “100% level” through 100% elimination of a hazard or risk. Namely, tobacco, human papilloma virus (HPV), measles, and rotavirus.
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    Issue date
    15 August 2013
    Nick Wilson
  • Chewing the fat on a saturated fat tax

    An article we published last week generated plenty of debate in particular on the complexities of taxing food. In this blog, Professor Nick Wilson argues that, yes, such tax packages have to be well designed (and more research would be helpful), but nevertheless that there is much that could be potentially gained by taxes on saturated fat.
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    Issue date
    06 August 2013
    Nick Wilson


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