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  • Children standing at the edge of large pool of floodwater post cyclone Gabrielle.
    Children standing at the edge of large pool of floodwater post cyclone Gabrielle.

    Flickr | Sy

    Climate Change and Recent Actions of NZ Political Parties

    The health organisation OraTaiao convened a group of experts to analyse the climate change policies of NZ political party policies. This blog takes a supplementary approach, looking at actual climate related actions taken in the last Parliamentary term (since late 2014).
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    Issue date
    14 September 2017
    Nick Wilson Richard Edwards Cristina Cleghorn Michael Baker Caroline Shaw Ralph Chapman Phillipa Howden-Chapman
  • Modifying homes to prevent falls is very cost-effective: New NZ study

    A just published modelling study by the BODE3 Team has reported that “home safety assessment and modification” (e.g., adding hand rails and removing tripping hazards in homes) appears to be a very cost-effective health sector intervention. But even more cost-effective was targeting this intervention to older people with previous injurious falls.
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    Issue date
    12 June 2016
    Nick Wilson Giorgi Kvizhinadze Eamonn Deverall Tony Blakely
  • Worth its weight: Building insulation in New Zealand

    Building insulation provides comfort and health benefits to occupants, saves energy, enhances energy security, and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This blog looks at these issues and wonders why the NZ Government is not doing more to enhance building performance and insulation standards when it is such a good investment.
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    Issue date
    22 May 2016
    Kimberley O'Sullivan
  • Flooding, public health – and the need for more emphasis on prevention

    Recent flooding events in New Zealand should make us think about the adverse public health and economic impacts. This blog post considers these issues, and suggests that there may be scope for further preventive action by central and local government.
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    Issue date
    22 June 2015
    Nick Wilson George Thomson Paul Blaschke
  • Divesting from fossil fuels – is this good for public health?

    In this blog post we briefly explore the arguments around such disinvestment from fossil fuels from a public health perspective.
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    Issue date
    24 November 2014
    Alistair Woodward Nick Wilson
  • Climate change and cherry blossom

    Professor Alistair Woodward, epidemiologist and climate change expert. Alistair was Convening Lead Author of Chapter 11 (Human Health) in the 5th IPCC Assessment Report. Here he discusses the report.
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    Issue date
    03 April 2014
    Alistair Woodward
  • Is NZ a laggard in responding to climate change?: Results of a Global Index

    The 2014 edition of the “Climate Change Performance Index” has just been released by Climate Action Network Europe and Germanwatch. This blog post looks at some of the details and considers what NZ could be aiming for if it is to be a responsible “international citizen”.
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    Issue date
    04 December 2013
    Nick Wilson Nisha Nair
  • Mobile phone use while driving: Do we need smartcars that turn off smartphones?

    New Zealand still has a problem with the use of mobile phones while driving. This blog discusses recent research and suggest ways to make further progress on reducing this persisting hazard.
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    Issue date
    20 October 2013
    Nick Wilson
  • Warmest New Zealand winter ever recorded – The Government should do more on climate change

    It’s official, this was the warmest winter ever recorded for New Zealand according to NIWA scientists. Continuing warming of the planet may pose significant risks of run-away climate change and catastrophic levels of damage to human civilisation – a public health threat on a scale larger than we usually consider.
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    Issue date
    03 September 2013
    Nick Wilson


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