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  • Smokefree Aotearoa poster
    Smokefree Aotearoa poster

    Tobacco Excise Taxes and the Smokefree 2025 Goal: Some Ways Forward

    Debate over tobacco tax increases has intensified as research indicates potentially conflicting policy directions. In this blog, we explore how allocating a proportion of tobacco tax revenue to assist smokers, and funding other complementary measures, could help avoid unintended outcomes and support continuation of an effective policy intervention.
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    Issue date
    15 January 2020
    Janet Hoek Richard Edwards George Thomson Andrew Waa Nick Wilson
  • Woman vaping
    Woman vaping

    Not forgetting the benefits to youth and non-smokers – an example from increases in tobacco taxes

    In this blog we use the issue of tobacco tax increases to show the potentially large benefits to youth and non-smokers – as well as to smokers who quit. Policy-makers need to take a broad view of how tobacco control policies impact on society so that progress to the country’s Smokefree 2025 goal is accelerated.
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    Issue date
    08 September 2019
    Nick Wilson Richard Edwards Janet Hoek
  • Canada's eat well food policy
    Canada's eat well food policy

    Lessons from Canada for NZ: Carbon, Cycling, Tobacco, Nutrition and Cannabis

    What lessons can we learn from Canada's progressive public policy in areas like responding to climate change, supporting cycling, controls on food marketing directed at children and more?
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    Issue date
    07 April 2019
    Nick Wilson Amanda Jones George Thomson
  • graph raise tobacco tax
    graph raise tobacco tax

    A public health perspective on taxing harmful products

    The New Zealand Government has set up a Tax Working Group to consider reforms of the tax system. In this blog we briefly discuss some of the opportunities for tax reform that will potentially improve health and lower health costs, reduce health inequalities and enhance environmental sustainability.
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    Issue date
    15 April 2018
    Nick Wilson Tony Blakely Amanda Jones Linda Cobiac Nhung Nghiem Anja Mizdrak Cristina Cleghorn
  • colourful bottles of sugar sweetened drinks
    colourful bottles of sugar sweetened drinks

    And now the Brits are doing it: A sugary drink tax levy on the industry

    From 1 April 2018, the UK is putting in place a type of sugary drinks tax – actually a “soft drinks industry levy”. This blog reviews how they are doing it, early signs of its success, and ponders its relevance for NZ.
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    Issue date
    02 April 2018
    Tony Blakely Nick Wilson Anja Mizdrak Cristina Cleghorn
  • Children standing at the edge of large pool of floodwater post cyclone Gabrielle.
    Children standing at the edge of large pool of floodwater post cyclone Gabrielle.

    Flickr | Sy

    Climate Change and Recent Actions of NZ Political Parties

    The health organisation OraTaiao convened a group of experts to analyse the climate change policies of NZ political party policies. This blog takes a supplementary approach, looking at actual climate related actions taken in the last Parliamentary term (since late 2014).
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    Issue date
    14 September 2017
    Nick Wilson Richard Edwards Cristina Cleghorn Michael Baker Caroline Shaw Ralph Chapman Phillipa Howden-Chapman
  • Stylised image of computer and tax symbols
    Stylised image of computer and tax symbols

    Analysis of a new NZ Treasury Report on soft drink tax

    The Government has an action plan to tackle childhood obesity, but it lacks a tax on sugary drinks – a strategy for which there is good evidence. We look at a new Treasury Report on soft drink tax price elasticities that has just emerged.
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    Issue date
    27 February 2017
    Tony Blakely Nick Wilson Boyd Swinburn Cliona Ni Mhurchu
  • Tax reform pros & cons: A brief look from a Public Health perspective

    In this blog we take a brief look at what potential there is for revising the NZ tax system from a public health perspective.
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    Issue date
    08 February 2016
    Nick Wilson Caroline Shaw Nhung Nghiem Tony Blakely Ralph Chapman
  • Taxing tobacco in NZ: What we know and what could be next

    What is known about tobacco tax increases in this country, what remains unknown, and what might be needed for the next phase of tobacco taxation-related policy and research?
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    Issue date
    26 October 2015
    Nick Wilson Tony Blakely Richards Edwards Nhung Nghiem Frederieke Sanne van der Deen Cristina Cleghorn
  • Health-related food taxes and subsidies: A critique of opposition arguments

    In this blog, we briefly analyse eight common arguments raised in opposition to health related food taxes, and consider their basis drawing on the best available NZ and international evidence.
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    Issue date
    26 July 2015
    Cliona Ni Mhurchu Nick Wilson Tony Blakely


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